00.1 Welcome Pack & Overview

Welcome to Colour at Play! Cream slide with a rainbow detail in bottom right hand corner

Welcome Section

Welcome to Colour at Play! Here's a quick overview of the content for this section.

00.1 Watch Welcome to Colour at Play.

Download your Welcome Pack below (there is a white-background version for printing, and a cream-background version for on-screen reading; pick the version you prefer and find easiest to read).

Optional: Introduce yourself in the comments!

Then move onto the next chapters of the section:

00.2 Watch Course Progress Tracker.

You'll find your printable Course Progress Tracker in your Welcome Pack.

00.3 Watch Recipe for Colour Joy Part 1: Record Your Progress and Part 2: Materials List

You'll find a full Materials List in your Welcome Pack.

Once you've watched and read through everything:

  1. Print out your Course Progress Page
  2. Pick a method for Recording your Progress
  3. Begin gathering Materials

I really hope this section of the course sets the scene, manages your expectations and puts in some great foundations for really excellent fun!

Yours in laying the groundwork for creativity,

Felix x

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